The road to nowhere
The road to nowhere

the road to nowhere the road to nowhere the road to nowhere

None of these things are wrong in themselves. Noah’s world was destroyed for lack of God-involvement in their society.

the road to nowhere

The focus of these people was self centered. 38 – Should we not eat, drink, or get married? That is not what Christ is saying. Don’t let anyone weasel snap you into thinking they know when Christ will return. There are people who claim to know when He will return. If anyone comes and says these words, red flags should go up. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,Īmerican King James Version ×, 42 Vs. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Matthew 24:36-38 Matthew 24:36-38 But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. What do we do? Where do we go? I told them, “Bet you lived in Wichita now, don’t you?” (Laughter.) You have weird weather in parts of the country that shouldn’t have it. On Facebook, there were a lot of comments from our friends in Phoenix that don’t have basements. Tornadoes were spotted and caused damages in the region – one not usually known for tornadoes. The storm this week brought FEET of snow to the mountain regions of Southern California and Arizona. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency for San Bernardino County (just east of greater LA in Southern California), citing county estimates of 124 homes damaged by the storm and costs of more than $11 million for emergency response, building damage and debris cleanup. The earthquake on January 12th was a 7.0 magnitude quake. I can’t imagine living in such a large city, and it was almost annihilated. For those who stay, foreign engineers have started leveling land on the fringes of the city for tent cities, supposedly temporary, that are meant to house 400,000 people. Aid officials said some 200,000 people have crammed into buses, nearly swamped ferries and set out even on foot to escape the ruined capital. Haitians are fleeing their capital city by the hundreds of thousands, aid officials said Friday, as their government promised to help nearly a half-million more move from curbsides and vacant lots into safer, cleaner tent cities. You’ve heard of the 7.0 earthquake on 1/7 in Haiti. "I don't think it's possible to pass the Senate bill in the House," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday, in a back-to-the-drawing-board moment. And Republicans have been revived, states one news source. Democrats seem disoriented and dazed, and now admit health care reform is on life support. It is believed that this win gives the Republican’s the power to slow or stop the rapid Democratic policy agenda. Republican Scott Brown's major win in the Massachusetts (a very liberal state) Senate race kicked off what may have been the best week yet for Republican’s – perhaps even a strong boost to their deflated sails over this past year. The raise in threat level is believed to be in response to the perceived increased threat from international terrorism following the failed Detroit airliner bombing on Christmas Day here in the States. Just yesterday however, they raised it to “Severe”, meaning a terrorist attack is considered “highly likely”. Since July 2009 it had stood at “Substantial”. The United Kingdom raised their Terror Threat Level. Europe also closed low, Japan closed at a 3-week low. Obama was quoted as saying: “"Never again will the American taxpayer be held hostage by banks that are too big to fail," Mr. A lot of investors were shaking about that. All over concern in President Obama’s plan to revamp the US banking industry. The Dow Jones, NASDAQ and the S&P 500 Index, all fell 2%, 2./6% and 2% respectively. In case you haven’t heard, the US Stock Markets fell Thursday & Friday. For the exact wording, please consult the audio recording. These are the notes taken live during services as captioning for the deaf and hard of hearing.

The road to nowhere